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The Power Available when we Speak Faith-Filled Words
If we want to start seeing the power of God manifest in our lives, we will have to start paying attention to what we say. Words have power—more than any of us realize, but we often speak them as though they are meaningless. Because of that, most believers at one time or another have been hung by their tongue.... ReadMore

What is Faith

Faith is not the product of reason. The force of faith, the God kind of faith that resides in us is NOW! We serve a NOW God. He is the Creator of the universe and when we made Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives the faith of Almighty God came to live within us......ReadMore

How To Release your Faith

 As a child of God you already have faith. Faith brought you into the kingdom in the first place.


For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.... ReadMore

How To Fight the Good Fight of Faith

There cannot be a performance from the lord until there is faith.

It  is faith at work in your life that commits God to perform his word. 

You have been enlisted to fight the good fight of faith to lay hold of what the lord has appointed you from the foundation..... ReadMore

How To Develop your Faith

Thestronger your faith, the easier it is to collect from God as faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen....ReadMore

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