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Literature and Tract Ministry

At  Active Faith Church we have a goal to spread the Gospel anywhere we can. Over the last number of successful years of ministry in Nigeria, we have had the opportunity to give out 1000’s of tracts to people, leading many to Christ, including those that contact us one on one.

We are especially passionate about creating and handing out Gospel tracts. Smaller pamphlet-sized tracts have been used since the early 1800’s and still remain an effective evangelism tool.

They offer the ability to leave written and visual material with anyone you contact, can deliver a relevant message, and often walk someone through the steps to salvation including the sinner’s prayer. Tracts are useful pieces of literature that can change a life if presented in God’s love, prompted by the Holy Spirit and are designed to lift up the Savior of the World.

There are some great organizations that create and sell tracts but when our Ministry first started out we could not afford to purchase tracts so we began to design and print our own.

What started as a cost effective way to print tracts has become one of our website’s most visited pages. We are happy to share our created tracts with you, new and redesigned.

We offer each downloadable tract as one tract per page (download tract, fold in half horizontally then vertically) or as two tracts per page (download tract then print off as two-sided or print one side then flip your paper over to print the other side, cut and fold). You can also download and photocopy one or two-sided.

Some tracts also come in black and white, as requested because we have been told that colour tracts do not always print properly in black and white for those without a colour printer.  Some tracts now have room on the back page to add contact information for your church or yourself if you want. We are constantly updating our tracts to provide more options so please check back often.

We have General Tracts for year-round use and Holiday/Seasonal Tracts for special times of the year.

** Please note:

We will not change or add to our tracts. You are welcome to use them for your personal or group evangelism. Our tracts use the New International Version for all scriptural references.

 All tracts are free for download and copying, so we will not any fee from you.

Is the Bible Trustworthy?

There is insurmountable evidencefor the accuracy and authority of the Bible. Lets look at a just a few of those evidences:

Manuscript Evidence: Ancient Writing

Number of copies years between writing and first existing manuscript T.(Roman historian)

1700. Josephus (Jewish historian)

 Ilia3009.Homers d

650 -950,C Gaelic Wars

10 -1,000

The Holy Bible 5,750


As you can see, there is amazing manuscript evidence for the Bible. Since we generally accept the integrity of other ancient documents, and the Bible has far greater manuscript support, shouldnt it enjoy at least the same historical respect?

Archeological Evidence: Many portions of the Bible have been proven to be true by archeological finds. Here are a few:

The Bible records that David captured Jerusalem by entering through a tunnel that led to the Pool of Siloam. The pool was believed to be outside city walls until a discovery in the 1960s confirmed the pool was inside the city walls.

The Bible lists Belshazzar as king of Babylon, but he isnt found in any lists of Babylonian kings. Archaeologists later discover Belshazzar was appointed acting king by his father, King Nabodonius, for a period of a few years. 

The Bible says that God made the walls of Jericho collapse when the Israelites marched around the city with the priests blowing trumpets. Because Rahab, a resident of the city, provided refuge for Israelite spies, they promised that she and her family would survive the battle if they stayed in her house built against the northern city wall. Archaeologists have found that all of the walls of Jericho fell, except the northern wall, confirming the biblical account.

Prophetic Evidence: The Bible foretold many future events (prophecies). Some prophecies that came true in the life of the Jewish Messiah (Jesus) were:

Messiah is to be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). Jesus was born in this small town (Matt. 2:17, John 7:42, Luke 2:5).

Messiah is to enter Jerusalem on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9). This was fulfilled as people shouted praises to Jesus while he entered the city on a donkey (Luke 19: 35, Matthew 21:611).

Messiah is to be sold for 30 pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12). Judas, Jesus betrayer, was given 30 pieces of silver to hand Jesus over to His enemies. (Matthew 26:15, 27:3).

Messiah is to be executed by crucifixion as a thief (Psalm 22:16, Zechariah 12:10). Jesus died on a cross, hanging between two thieves (Luke 23:33, John 20:25).

Jesus fulfilled more than 100 other Messianic prophecies. The odds that just eight of these prophecies would be fulfilled randomly by any one person are one in 1017. To put that in perspective, imagine this: If Texas were filled with silver dollars one foot deep, you would have better odds of picking a marked coin than one in 1017.

Forty authors wrote the Bible in three languages over the course of 1,500 years, yet the whole Bible revolves around one themewhat God has done to save us from hell. Every one of us deserves that punishment, because weve broken Gods law (including the Ten Commandments). Have you ever told a lie, stolen, taken Gods name in vain, or looked at someone with lust? If you said yes to any of those, youll be guilty on Judgment Day. God, being infinitely just, must punish sinfulness. But Jesus, who lived a sinless life, was brutally tortured and crucified for you, and then he rose from the dead, defeating death. Jesus can take your punishment, or you can take your own punishment. The choice is yours. If youd like to accept the gift of forgiveness He offers, repent (turn from your sin) and trust Jesus for this life and the life to come. Then, read the Bible daily to learn more about God and 

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