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We are called God’s  building   
1 Corinthians 3:9-10 'For we are co-laborers together with God, ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.
According to the grace of God which is given unto me as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation and another buildeth thereon.
But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon”.
Ecclesiastics 10:18  “By much slothfulness the building decayeth and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through” 
So we must understand what the building is designed to carry out so that we can engage in those functions so that we can avoid decay.
 Some of us that have building in rural areas, we know that if those buildings are not well maintained, they start to decay and the maintenance when it is decayed is very costly compared to when you’re living inside.
Remember it is through idleness that a building decays.
You are God’s building and without knowing the spiritual functions and how to engage them you begin to decay and drop full
There is so much spiritual degeneration in today’s Christianity           because the function of that spiritual building are not known and they are not fully engaged.
·You are a spiritual building and if you are not spiritual engaged you are bound to degenerate. (1corinthians 6:19)
 If you are in God you are not on your own, you are a building of God and you must know how to engage spiritually as to keep that house in shape and sustain its Glory.

 The building can lose its glory if it is not put into active work. (Haggai 2:3-6)
 The glory of that house is not sustained by wishing, it is sustained by working.
 To recover that glory, you must work and continue to work not to wait because you don’t wait to see the glory, you work it out.
 God is with you but have to work it out, Paul said “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling”.
 So for us to fill the house we must work and find out what kind of work we need to do recover or sustain the glory especially for those who have lost it. (Haggai 2:9)
 Salvation is free but it takes plenty of work to sustain its provision.
1)  It is after holiness every spiritual building is founded on: 
2 Timothy 2:19-21

 A deliberate departure from iniquity is the foundation required for every glorious destiny.

Sin lost its dominion when Jesus rose from the dead (Romans 6:14). So sin is a matter choice no force 1John 3:3, 1Corinthian3:16-17.
2)  The number two function of the building is an addiction to God’s word Acts20:32.
God’s word is not just the bread of life but the breath of life Luke 10:42, Isaiah 5:13, 2peter 1:3, psalms 45:3-5, 2 Timothy 2:15,5:17, Hebrews4:11                                                          nbsp;
3)  To maintainthis building we must be fervent in fasting and praying Matthew21:13, Luke 18:1,  Prayer is part of the fundamental requirement of our spiritual stewardship Jude 1:20, Hebrew 4:16.

4 ) Thefourth requirement in sustaining this building is soul-winning John15:16, Acts1:8, John15:8, 1Samuel 2:30, Daniel12:3

Witnessing does not represent professionalism of any kind. You don’t need to go too far at all, they are all hear you John4:35-36.      

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