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Bible study - Topic: prayer- our Spiritual Scepter

Text:Prayeis 38:1- To the end


Prayer is more than talking to God, prayer is a means by which in fellowship with God. 4 hour prayers to be effective we must have the Holy Spirit resident in our spirit. The Holy Spirit it's like a zender or Bluetooth in a computer or cell phone e t c that connects us to God.

Scepter can be defined as an ornamental staff carried by rulers on ceremonial locations as a symbol of sovereignty.

Publicly skepta signifies a rod or staff or  key to life or Death.

Every child of God has been given an authority and this is a symbol of staff (Scepter), this Scepter was likened to rod in the days of Moses. In our days our skepter is our effectual prayer life. Once your prayer life is dead you lose your skepter.

Let's look at what the Lord commanded his children regarding this skepter. 

Genesis 49:10 says, The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

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It is as commanded,  on no condition should the skepta leave their Hand; this is a clear indication of how powerful prayer is. In our discussion we will see case study of how many lose power, recognition and relevance when they lose their Scepter.

Factors that can make you lose your prayer life factor making

1. Unconfessed sin ( Psalm 66:18)

2. Lack of faith (James1:6-8, Mark6:1-6)

3. Demonic and spiritual attacks (Ephesians 6:12)

4. Inability and laziness to spiritual food (Matthew 4:4, Fasting and prayer Romans 14:17)

5. Shallow knowledge and understanding of God's word ( Hebrews 4:12, 2Timothy 3:16 -17, Psalm 119:9, 1Peter 2:2)

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